Our group focuses on nanomaterial synthesis and functionalization, catalysis, and combustion.
Welcome to the Pfefferle Lab Group
Contact Us
Professor Lisa Pfefferle
Office: Mason 305
Dr. Charles McEnally
Office: Mason 310
Labs: Mason 321, Mason 310,
and Mason 225
Recent News
Sooting tendency review published
Our review on sooting tendencies has been published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2024.105750)
Aurora attends AEE Conference
Aurora was invited to present her research project “Hydrogen Flame Visible Light Emissions” at the AEE World Conference in Nashville last week.
Charles gives a seminar at UConn
Charles and Aurora traveled to UConn last Friday to meet with Francesco Carbone and his group, and Charles gave a seminar on using sooting tendency me